
Learn about communication and negotiation styles, written correspondence, personal space, and suitable conversation topics, as well as key words and phrases. Below is a brief excerpt from this section:  

Topics of Discussion

Spaniards are very proud of their history and culture, and it is appreciated if a foreign visitor shows interest in these. They also appreciate a good sense of humor, which is often used at the start of important discussions in order to avoid appearing too serious. Talking politics is also a very Spanish thing to do, and it will often lead to agitated discussions. However, during a first meeting, it is best to avoid discussions about politics, as well as bullfighting, the monarchy and religion, as these topics might lead to conflict...


While the COVID-19 social distancing rules changed some of the usual Spanish greeting habits, shaking hands remains typical when meeting someone in business or formal social situations. Among friends and close acquaintances, the traditional greeting is two kisses on the cheeks (one on each cheek), even when introduced for the first time. A man or a woman can greet another woman this way, but it’s uncommon for two men to kiss cheeks unless they have a very close relationship...

Negotiation Styles

In a negotiation, participants on both sides must be sufficiently high on the corporate ladder. Spaniards expect the parties in a negotiation to be able to call the shots. The person with the highest authority will make the decision.

Language Skills

Although English is the language of international business and can help you find a job, you need to speak good Spanish to do business in Spain. What is referred to as Spanish is actually Castilian (castellano) and is the official language in most cases, as well as the language most people in Spain are likely to speak or understand. The main exceptions to this rule are the autonomous regions of the Basque Country, Catalonia and Galicia, where Basque (euskera), Catalan (català) and Galician (galego), respectively, are also official languages. The Valencian community also has its own official second language (valenciá), although some linguists consider it a dialect of Catalan....

This is just a brief sample of the extensive information in the GoinGlobal Spain Career Guide, which is carefully researched and regularly updated by local career experts.

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