Professional and Personal Networking
Corporate and Trade Groups
Chambers of Commerce
These recommended local and national chambers of commerce and bilateral trade organizations are great sources of information and networking.
Below are samples of resources from this section:
Spain has a long tradition of chambers of commerce, as they have existed since medieval times in the main cities with important commercial and maritime relations, such as Barcelona and Seville. Many chambers also offer lists of opportunities, job offers and statistical data on local business sectors, providing valuable information and contacts to develop professional projects in a city, region or industry.
Local and National Chambers of Commerce
La Cámara de Comercio de España
Chamber of Commerce of Spain
Regional and City Chambers
Cámara de Comercio de Bilbao
Bilbao Chamber of Commerce
Cámara de Comercio de Granada
Granada Chamber of Commerce
Cámara de Comercio, Industria, Servizos e Navegación de Pontevedra, Vigo, Vilagarcía de Arousa
Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Pontevedra, Vigo, Vilagarcía de Arousa
Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Servicios de Toledo
Toledo Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services
This is one of over 500 resources in the GoinGlobal Spain Career Guide, which is carefully researched and regularly updated by local career experts.