Industry Organizations and Councils

Prepare for interviews and make connections through these recommended industry groups, unions and governmental organizations.

Below are sample resources from this section:

Confederación Española de Comercio (CEC)
Spanish Confederation of Commerce (Spanish)
CEC represents retailers, service companies and the self-employed. It helps them negotiate with institutions and trade unions, representing and defending the interests of small businesses and freelancers. The site includes information on European commercial affairs too.

Tel: +34 915 981 050
Email: sends e-mail)
X (Twitter)


Unions and Labor Organizations

Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO)
Trade Union Confederation (Spanish)
This is Spain’s leading trade union, with more than 800,000 members and over 100,000 delegates from all manufacturing and service sectors. CCOO is part of the European and worldwide trade union movements, including the European Trade Union Confederation and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions. It has delegations in most cities, representing each of Spain’s 19 autonomous communities, including Ceuta and Melilla.

Email: contact form
X (Twitter)

This is one of over 500 resources in the GoinGlobal Spain Career Guide, which is carefully researched and regularly updated by local career experts.

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